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中村 慈音(ピアノ)

鹿児島大学教育学部音楽専修卒業。ハンガリー国立リスト・フェレンツ音楽大学ピアノ科大学院修士課程を最高成績で修了(ハンガリー政府Stipendium Hungaricum奨学金生)。



​サンエールかごしま、Sitiera Hall、ミシュコルツ・バルトーク音楽学校(ハンガリー)にてソロリサイタルを開催。

これまでにピアノを山名 りえ子、福崎 郁代、鳥居 知行、山口 佳苗、山下 晋、大迫 貴、


若林 顕、ジョン・ペリー、ロバート・レヴィン、フェリックス・ゴッドリーブ、ニコラス・スタヴィ、ダヴィッド・フレイ、アダム・ジョージの各氏の公開レッスンを受講。


Jion Nakamura(piano)

Jion was born in Kagoshima, Japan and started to play the piano at age of 6.

After graduating from Kagoshima University, he continued to study at Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music Budapest as a Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship student.


He studied the piano with Rieko Yamana, Ikuyo Fukuzaki, Tomoyuki Torii, Kanae Yamaguchi, Susumu Yamashita, Takashi Osako, Sándor Falvai, Balázs Réti and István Gulyás. He also studied chamber music with Attila Falvay and Judit Szabó.

In addition, he studied in some masterclasses by Akira Wakabayashi, John Perry, Robert Levin, Felix Gottlieb, Nicolas Stavy, David Fray and Ádám György.


He received numerous awards on the competitions including the 3rd prize on the 25th Japan classical music competition (no one was awarded as the 1st prize), 2nd prize on the 3rd Moscow International music competition, 1st prize on the 9th Kyusyu International J.S.Bach competition, 2nd Bremen International piano competition and the 6th Danubia Talents International music competition.

Moreover, he was nominated as one of the three scholarship winners in the 18th International Piano Academy Murrhardt.


He is now working as a soloist and chamber musician in Kagoshima, Japan.

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